Archangel Gabriel - 'Strength of God'
Angel of Children, Creativity & Good News
Archangel Gabriel, known as the Angel of the Annunciation, embodies both masculine and feminine qualities, reflecting a gentle, gender-fluid presence close to God. As one of the four mighty Archangels, Gabriel watches over children, sparks creativity, and brings good news. As the angel of communication, Gabriel supports artistic endeavours and ensures the safety and wellbeing of children everywhere.
Archangel Gabriel, paired with Mother Mary, is committed to supporting children globally from birth through adulthood. Gabriel aids parents and carers in equipping them with the skills needed for children's growth. This mission also covers helping those with unique needs and healing past traumas. Gabriel strives to eliminate emotional or spiritual barriers from difficult childhood experiences, assisting in reconnecting with one's inner child.
Archangel Gabriel encourages creativity in areas like art, writing, and music. If you work creatively or hope to turn a hobby into a career, Gabriel aids in easing fears and stresses that may be stopping you from moving forward and achieving your dreams.
Gabriel is renowned for announcing joyful news such as births, weddings, or new work opportunities. As a divine courier, Gabriel conveys messages from departed loved ones through dreams or visions. If expressing your wishes to the Divine or spirits proves difficult, Gabriel can assist you in finding clarity.
Angel Number for Archangel Gabriel
Angel Number: 333
Creativity & Communication
Embodiment of Archangel Gabriel
Patron Angel of all who work in Communication, Postal Workers & Authors
Colour: Golden Orange
Element: Water
Senses: Taste
Chakra: Sacral
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Symbols: The Moon, Trumpet, Scrolls & Peace Lilies
Energetic Body (Physical) - Archangel Gabriel is linked to boosting adrenal functions, supporting lower back, intestines, abdomen and kidneys, enhancing energy, hormones, and aiding fertility.
Etheric (Spiritual) - Archangel Gabriel helps uplift your mood and brings joy into your life. He boosts your confidence and inner strength.
Archangels who work with Archangel Gabriel
Mother Mary (Divine Mother)
Archangel Michael (Angel of Courage, Strength & Protection)
Archangel Raphael (Angel of Healing & Abundance)
Archangel Uriel (Angel of Illumination & Abundance)
Sensing the Archangel Gabriel
If Archangel Gabriel is close, you'll see his orange light's flashes and sparkles.
Australian Power Animals associated with Archangel Gabriel
Dolphin (Communication) Kookaburra (Connection)
Platypus - Possum - Rainbow Lorikeet (Creativity)
Archangel Gabriel - Angel of Good News
Archangel Gabriel is known for sharing joyful news, signalling positive life events like new births, engagements, and finding love. Acting as a messenger angel, Gabriel can help when connecting with loved ones who have passed, through dreams, visions, or music.
If you're facing challenges in expressing your prayers or desires to the Divine, Gabriel is ready to support. Feeling off-course on your spiritual journey? Gabriel brings hope and faith, promising brighter days ahead.
'I come bearing Good News for you'
Archangel Gabriel - Angel of Creativity
Archangel Gabriel helps you tap into your creative side, encouraging you to express yourself through art forms like writing, painting, and music. Gabriel shares a supportive and long-lasting energy with your creativity. Whether you're working in a creative field or considering turning your hobby into a profession, Gabriel is there to help quell anxiety that might be holding you back.
You can turn to Gabriel for clear advice on your artistic path and feel reassured in your journey. Archangel Gabriel promotes creativity by sparking new ideas and soothing concerns that may obstruct your artistic journey. His helpful energy allows your creative talents to emerge.
Embrace Gabriel's guidance to express and celebrate your strengths. Whether in writing, painting, music, or any art, Gabriel boosts your creative passion. With Archangel Gabriel's help, express yourself beautifully and explore your talents, adding colour and joy to your healing journey and enhancing your creative life.
'I am here to inspire your creative side'
Archangel Gabriel - Angel of Communication & Connection
Archangel Gabriel connects you with divine energy, offering essential guidance in your spiritual journey. Gabriel is the messenger who delivers loving and hopeful messages. As the Archangel of communication and resilience, Gabriel helps you receive divine insights, bringing strength, wisdom, and abundant blessings into your life.
Archangel Gabriel is known for offering help, guidance, and inspiration. Gabriel has both male and female energies, balancing both. This Archangel brings joyful messages of love and helps you find peace and clarity in your soul's journey. Gabriel is a key communicator with a strong connection to the divine spirit inside each of us. Gabriel inspires faith and resilience, strengthening your connection with the divine creator and enriching your spiritual experiences.
'I will guide & assist you in communicating to loved ones both physically & spiritually'
Archangel Gabriel - Angel of Children
Archangel Gabriel is incredibly dedicated to the happiness and well-being of children. From the time of their conception and birth, and throughout the adventure of raising them, she offers her guidance and unwavering support every single step of the way for both parents and children alike, ensuring their joy and safety.
Archangel Gabriel collaborates closely with Mother Mary to guide and nurture sensitive children. Together, they provide valuable advice to adults on the best ways to support, inspire, and educate these unique children as they grow and develop.
Archangel Gabriel helps heal your inner child by clearing energy blocks from past trauma, offering guidance when you reach out for support. This beautiful Angel will give you the strength to overcome any obstacle related to childhood experiences.
'I guide, care & protect all children'
Prayer to Archangel Gabriel for Good News
I offer gratitude to Archangel Gabriel for reassuring me that peace prevails both on Earth and in the spiritual realm. I believe great times are here for me now. Thus, it is accomplished!
Prayer to Archangel Gabriel for Creativity
I show gratefulness to Archangel Gabriel for nurturing my creativity and guiding me towards fulfilling my artistic desires. Your support lights up my passion, assuring me I'm on my destined path. And so, it unfolds!
Prayer to Archangel Gabriel for Communication & Connection
Thank you Archangel Gabriel for helping me connect to my Divine Self & higher love. And thank you for assisting me in communicating to loved ones both physically & spiritually. And so it is done.
Prayer to Archangel Gabriel for Children
I am grateful to Archangel Gabriel for safeguarding my child today. May your healing light and love perpetually envelop them. So be it!
Prayer to Archangel Gabriel for my Inner Child
Thank you Archangel Gabriel for helping me receive divine insights, and abundant blessings now & for assisting me in healing my inner child. I feel so blessed & grateful. And so it is done. Thank you.
Crystals for Archangel Gabriel
Crystals possess the ability to send out strong vibrations, supporting the balance of our emotional, spiritual, and physical states. Their unique healing features work with our body's energy centres to encourage harmony and wellbeing. Moreover, they can call forth the pure energies of Divine Light and Love, sharing peace and comfort in our lives.
Citrine - Good News
Citrine brings happiness and healing, much like a fresh morning. Its warm and bright energy uplifts spirits, revealing nature's beauty and new opportunities every day. When paired with Archangel Gabriel, it announces good news and fresh beginnings with a sense of hope.
Carnelian - Creativity
Carnelian is a stone of inspiration that boosts creative energy and reveals hidden talents. It is a fantastic aid with the inspiration of Archangel Gabriel for exploring emotions through activities like art, music, writing, or any other creative pursuit.
Blue Lace Agate - Communication & Connection
Blue Lace Agate helps you express yourself better, connecting with your higher self. With Archangel Gabriel's aid, it enhances communication and connection with spiritual and everyday experiences, making them blend seamlessly.