
Gratitude - Leadership - Trust

The Kangaroo Power animal makes an appearance when courage is essential. It enhances self-assurance and happiness in everyday life. Kangaroos promote a positive outlook and advancement. Renowned for their cheerful disposition, they are both grounded and protective. Their resilience ensures teamwork and cooperation. Individuals with the kangaroo spirit often lead their families and excel in social situations. They motivate and uplift their surroundings. Kangaroos symbolise robust strength, swift speed, and peacefulness. With powerful legs designed for leaping, they represent overcoming obstacles. They care for their young in pouches, highlighting their instinct to protect. If the kangaroo is your spirit guide, it signifies your strength, adaptability, and devotion to safeguarding loved ones. The kangaroo spirit urges one to face challenges head-on, trusting in success and perseverance.

What does seeing a Kangaroo symbolise?

Spotting a kangaroo, be it in your dreams or in reality, could signal the need to trust your instincts and pursue your desires with confidence & remember to always move forward & trust the timing of things.

Kangaroo's Message: 

Be grateful & move forward in leaps & bounds

Kangaroo Power

Element: Earth

Embodiment: Divine Masculine

Animal Totem:

If a kangaroo is your spirit animal, it symbolises strong family and friend connections. Kangaroos show teamwork and care for others. Embrace this energy &  enjoy meaningful moments with your loved ones together. Kangaroos remind us of the importance of community.


Count your blessings & be grateful

Confidently move forward in leaps & bounds


Aquamarine Crystal: Courage stone. Allows you to let go to move you forward

Clear Quartz Crystal: A high vibrational master healer stone

Snowflake Obsidian Crystal: Provides balance for the mind, body & soul

Guided By Angels

Gratitude – Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Jophiel, the Angel of Gratitude, teams up with Kangaroo Power to help you embrace gratitude each day. By valuing both happy and tough times, you open doors to more opportunities and abundance. Jophiel urges you to treasure the present and value what you have now.

Leadership – Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael empowers your Inner Warrior by boosting bravery and providing protection to guide you towards your true direction. With Kangaroo energy, he promotes unity and teamwork. If the kangaroo is your spirit animal, you're a natural leader. Reach out to Archangel Michael and harness Kangaroo strength in times of leadership.

Trust– Archangel Tzaphkiel

When you're going through change and growth, both physically and spiritually, Archangel Tzaphkiel guides you with gentle support and heavenly wisdom. She reminds you to believe in your spiritual journey with the assurance that everything will fall into place. Trust life's timing—what's meant for you won't slip away. The Kangaroo spirit animal symbolises faith and belief. If you feel stuck and unsure of how to move forward, look to your Kangaroo power guide for help.


I am grateful for all my Divine blessings


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