
Kindness - Forgiveness - Compassion

The pelican, as a strong and reliable guide, inspires patience and calmness in those who seek its wisdom. It aids in overcoming obstacles by fostering careful thinking and inner strength. Always be kind and remember to care for yourself. The pelican brings peace and recommends meditation to gain fresh ideas and renewed energy. It symbolises patience and wise choices. Associated with grace, protection, and healing, the pelican's spirit encourages kindness and support for others. It champions putting others first while also highlighting the importance of self-care. It assists in clearing emotions, aiding in the process of forgiveness. By calling on the pelican spirit, you can release past hurts, helping you move ahead with a lighter heart and mind. It serves as a reminder of the importance of forgiving both yourself and others, supporting your emotional journey and growth.

What does seeing a Pelican symbolise?

Spotting a pelican indicates it's time for self-care, symbolising kindness, sharing, and strength. Pelican power reminds you to look after yourself while aiding others. Embrace these traits to help those around you. It also signals a time of healing, allowing you to overcome challenges smoothly.

Pelican's Message:

Nourish yourself with care and release any unnecessary burdens

Element: Water

Embodiment: Divine Masculine

Animal Totem:

The pelican, as a symbolic animal, stands for resilience, adaptability, and resourcefulness. When you feel linked to the pelican, your ability to tackle life's difficulties with ease is highlighted. The pelican totem guides you to delve deeper into your emotions and rely on your inner wisdom. It advises patience, reassuring you that the answers you seek will arrive at the right moment, supporting you on your journey.


Take your time & remain patient

Fill your belly with love & let go of the rest


Sodalite: Sensitivity & Compassion

Clear Quartz: Master healing stone with high vibrations

Blue Lace Agate: Teaches patience & understanding

Guided By Angels

Kindness - Archangel Muriel

Archangel Muriel assists us in being kind to ourselves, others, animals, and our world. She helps us connect with our emotions and better understand other people. Muriel guides us in loving unconditionally and brings peace to our daily lives. She inspires us to open our hearts and discover our immense capacity for love. Working with the Pelican power animal, Muriel supports you on your soul's journey, enhancing your growth and development with compassion and understanding.

Forgiveness - Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Zadkiel, the Angel of Forgiveness and guardian of the Violet Flame, helps us heal and forgive ourselves and others. He transforms negative energy into light and love. With the Pelican power animal's help, he guides us to show love and compassion, leading to true forgiveness.

Compassion - Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael aids us in discovering compassion for ourselves and for those around us. With the support of Pelican power, he fosters open-heartedness, love, and understanding without judgement. His assistance helps us in cultivating kindness, empathy, and warmth in our hearts.


I find solutions when I am patient & calm 


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