Situated just below your belly button, the second chakra plays a vital role in how we view ourselves in the physical realm. It affects our feelings, closeness, sexual health, fertility, and wants. It ties to your creativity, happiness, appeal to the senses, and ability to adjust. If out of balance, it can lead to fear of change, clinginess, difficulty in sharing feelings, and discomfort with one's body. A balanced state promotes a flow of creativity, strong bonds, adaptability, intense emotions, and sexual satisfaction.

Positive Affirmations

Affirm: I feel confident within my body - I feel love, peace & happiness - I feel contentment within myself

Overactive Sacral Chakra

An overactive Sacral Chakra might lead to mood swings, excessive emotionality, and dependencies on substances like sex, drugs, and alcohol. Feelings of entrapment, frustration, guilt, and a victim mindset may also prevail.

Underactive Sacral Chakra

If your Sacral Chakra is weak, you might feel unmotivated, uncreative, and down. You could struggle with forming connections, have a fear of intimacy, and set overly strict limits on yourself.

Element: Water

Dive into the healing embrace of water, closely linked with the Sacral Chakra's element. Whether it's a swim in the sea, a moment by a waterfall, or just soaking your feet, water can wash away negative vibes from your Chakras. Embrace the tranquil energy by a river or the sea, and ensure you're drinking enough water to clear toxins and stay hydrated. It's a simple, yet effective way to enhance your well-being.


Sound/Mantra: VAM

Note: D

Animal: Tiger

Sense: Taste

Angel: Archangel Gabriel

Body Parts Associated With the Sacral Chakra

Ovaries - Testicles - Kidney's - Uterus - Lymphatic System

Food for sensuality & creativity

To enhance your Sacral Chakra, focus on consuming orange foods such as carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes. Indulging in juices from mangoes, oranges, and passion fruit, along with turmeric and ginger, can effectively activate this chakra. Regular water intake is also crucial for eliminating toxins.

Colour Therapy

Feeling connected to or choosing the colour orange signals your Sacral Chakra is open and flourishing. Consider planting orange flowers or introducing vibrant orange tones into your home to enhance, activate, and boost your Sacral Chakra's energy.

Aromatherapy for the Sacral Chakra

Enhance your Sacral Chakra with Bath Salts, Candles, Diffuser Oils, and Room Mists. Each, designed to calm and balance your energy, offers a serene pathway to harmony for your body, mind, and spirit.

Essential Oils

Orange: Sensual & uplifting. Helps stimulate creativity, balances emotions

Jasmine: Helps to promote joy, love, creativity & sensuality

Ylang Ylang: Helps to promote peace & calm. Can help to boost self-esteem

Rose: Helps in balancing hormones. May help soften the way we look at our relationships with self & others

Sage: Helps to promote clarity & inspiration, helps to stimulate desire & passion

Crystals for the Sacral Chakra

Crystals emit powerful vibrations that help balance emotional, spiritual, and physical energies. Their healing effects can influence our chakras, the energy centres in our bodies, supporting self-healing of the mind, body, and soul.

Consider these Sacral Chakra Crystals for balance:

Carnelian, a stone sparking inspiration and passion.

Moonstone calms and stabilises emotions.

Amber, a comforting stone, aids in healing and stress reduction.

Fire Opal encourages joy and awakens kundalini energy, also assisting with water retention.

Orange Calcite frees emotional blockages and harmonises sexual energies.

Here's a simple guide to using your Sacral Chakra Crystals for self-care:

Carry them with you for an energy boost wherever you go.

Wearing your crystals as jewellery, like necklaces or bracelets, can help keep your energy in check.

During meditation, place your crystals on the Sacral Chakra area to potentially strengthen the stone's effects.

You can also place them in your living or work space to maintain a balanced energy flow around you.


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