Salt Water Crocodile

Empowerment - Inner Strength - Instincts

The Salt Water Crocodile power is a powerful symbol reminding you of your inner strength and the influential impact you can have. It emphasises the importance of valuing and treasuring your own life. Trust in your instincts and resilience, especially when others fail to see your true worth. The crocodile spirit is a guide to being firm in your decisions and encourages considering all points of view. It helps you to exercise your power with wisdom. As a power animal, the Salt Water Crocodile power equips you with the strength and endurance needed to confront fears. It inspires you to rely on your instincts and take decisive actions towards achieving your goals. With its reputation for patience, wisdom, and authority, crocodiles embody stealth and adaptability, assisting in effectively managing emotions. The crocodile spirit represents natural instincts, intuition, and protection. It urges you to have faith in these instincts and use your wisdom to address challenges. This strong advice helps steer through life's surprises smoothly.

What does seeing a Salt Water Crocodile symbolise?

Seeing a Crocodile suggests it's time to trust your gut feelings. Be patient and smart. Crocodiles symbolise wisdom, protection, and adaptability—encouraging you to use intuition to tackle situations in life.

Salt Water Croc's Message:

Personal empowerment is the key to your resilience

Salt Water Crocodile Power

Element: Water

Embodiment: Divine Masculine

Totem Animal:

Those connected to the Crocodile totem are strong, patient, and resourceful. They are known for adapting well to change, and they remain steady even in challenging and difficult times.


Remember your personal power and be assertive

Draw on your survival instincts


Sunstone: Self-empowerment stone

Clear Quartz: High vibrational master healing stone

Bloodstone: Stone of courage & resilience


Guided By Angels

Empowerment - Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel helps us connect to our higher selves, working with the energy of the Salt Water Crocodile. If you're feeling lost, seek his guidance. Uriel lights your path, offering solutions, insights, and ideas through signs or dreams. He ignites your inner light, empowering you to see your way. His presence guides you, illuminating the darkest parts of your soul's journey.

Inner Strength - Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael gives you courage and strength, like the powerful Salt Water Crocodile. He supports your soul's journey, guiding you to recognise the steps you need to take. With his help, you'll be ready to face life's challenges confidently and strongly, ensuring progress and resilience.

Instincts - Archangel Ariel

Archangel Ariel, the Lioness of Mother Earth, works with the Salt Water Crocodile to inspire and guide you. Trust your instincts and take action to reach your goals. With their help, learn patience, gain wisdom, and manage your emotions effectively.


I am drawing on my personal power & inner strength



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