Situated just above your belly button, this energy spot sends life force throughout your body. Known as the third chakra, it boosts your inner strength, confidence, and determination. It's linked to how clear-headed, motivated, and true to yourself you feel. An imbalance may lead to feeling down, anxious, or confused, while balance promotes peace, calmness, and self-assurance.

Positive Affirmations

Affirm: I do have self-confidence within me - I do honor myself with love & compassion - I do believe in my personal strength

Overactive Solar Plexus Chakra

An overactive Solar Plexus Chakra can lead to excessive criticism, stubbornness, and a dominating attitude. It's important to find balance, promoting harmony within oneself.

Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra

If your Solar Plexus Chakra feels weak, you might lack trust in others and face deep emotional challenges. You could worry too much about what people think, seek constant validation, suffer from low self-esteem and poor digestion, feel easily swayed, overwhelmed, powerless, and unreliable. Embracing healing could help replenish your energy and self-worth.

Element: Fire

Gather around a campfire with loved ones, letting the fire's crackle and warmth connect you to the Solar Plexus Chakra. It's a moment for quiet reflection, feeling the energy of fire, mirroring the vibrant spirit of Dragonflies.


Sound/Mantra: RAM

Note: E

Animal: Bear

Sense: Sight

Angel: Archangel Jophiel

Body Parts Associated With the Solar Plexus Chakra

Digestive System - Pancreas - Metabolism

Food for Fiery passion & power

To enhance your Solar Plexus Chakra, add yellow foods to your diet like bananas, pineapples, lemons, yellow peppers, apricots, and corn. Spicy items such as ginger energise this area, whilst healthy carbs provide quick energy. Ideal for those seeking balance.

Colour Therapy

Adorning yourself with or favouring yellow indicates your Solar Plexus Chakra thrives. Introducing yellow blooms or décor into your space can energise and boost this chakra, enhancing your inner strength and joy.

Aromatherapy for the Solar Plexus Chakra

Lighting candles and incense sticks can invigorate and harmonise your Solar Plexus Chakra by introducing the element of fire into your space. Utilising diffusers, roll-on oils, room mists, and bath salts also supports this vital energy centre, creating a balanced and uplifting atmosphere.

Essential Oils

Lemongrass | Sage: Helps to promote hope & strength while balancing energy flow

Bergamot | Orange: Helps to align & bring in balance to regain personal power

Lemon: Uplifting & rejuvenating, brings harmony within

Peppermint: Aids to help stimulate energy flow. Calms with its cool, warm & spicy aroma

Ginger: Helps aid self-confidence & courage

Crystals for the Solar Plexus Chakra

Crystals can emit a powerful energy that helps balance emotions, spirit, and body. Their healing qualities can connect with our chakras, supporting self-repair for our mind, body, and soul, making us feel more harmonious and whole.

Consider these Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals for healing:

Yellow Citrine for personal power and confidence

Golden Calcite to boost mental focus and determination

Tiger's Eye for enhancing courage

Yellow Apatite to increase energy flow and self-assurance.

Quick strategies for using your Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals to heal:

Carry your crystals for an instant energy lift.

Wearing your crystals as jewellery, like necklaces or bracelets, helps keep your energy balanced.

During meditation, place the crystals on the Solar Plexus Chakra to deepen their healing effect.

Lastly, arrange the crystals in your living or work space to maintain a steady flow of positive energy.


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