Tasmanian Devil

Fearless - Obstacles - Survival Instincts

The Tasmanian Devil power animal is your trusted guide when it's necessary to confront fears. It assists you in swiftly overcoming hurdles that life presents. Ask yourself, 'What challenges am I facing now? What is holding me back? Are my fears genuine?' The Tasmanian Devil encourages bravery and reveals the tools you already possess to tackle problems effectively. When anger starts to dominate, turn to the Tasmanian Devil as a Power Animal for guidance. It aids in identifying the root causes of your anger, leading to greater self-control and inner peace. This powerful spirit also enhances your motivation and self-assurance. If you ever find yourself feeling stuck or uncertain, call upon this Power Animal to reclaim your equilibrium. It supports you in revitalising your mind and spirit, providing crucial guidance to help you adapt during essential times of change.

What does seeing a Tassie Devil symbolise?

Seeing a Tasmanian Devil in dreams shows your inner strength. Now is the time to act with confidence. Channel your energy today to transform and grow, and pursue your dreams with courage.

Tassie Devil's Message: 

Hold your composure as you face life’s challenges. ‘Call on me as I am here to help guide you through.’

Tassie Devil Power

Element: Fire

Embodiment: Divine Masculine

Animal Totem:

People with the Tasmanian Devil spirit are direct and honest. Their truthful words might surprise you. They understand their strong impact and are sometimes not gentle or kind, but always aim for clear and straightforward communication.


Look within your internal toolbox, you have the necessary equipment to handle any challenges

When facing uncertainty, always be fearless & couragous


Black Obsidian Crystal:  Aids to help find the root cause of the fears within

Clear Quartz Crystal:  High vibrational master healing stone

Amozonite:  Helps to overcome obstacles & setbacks

Guided By Angels

Fearless– Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael and the Tasmanian Devil power animal offer courage and strength for life's challenges. Together, they guide you in choosing the necessary steps to face difficulties head-on, helping you feel empowered, fearless and supported during tough times.

Obstacles– Archangel  Nathaniel

Archangel Nathaniel helps clear obstacles on your soul's journey. Paired with the Tasmanian Devil power animal, they assist during times of change. Together, they ensure you move smoothly through life, removing any barriers.

Survival Instincts – Archangel Ariel

Archangel Ariel increases our bravery and confidence to reach our life targets and assists in setting clear goals, allowing us to fulfil our deepest dreams. Ariel is your go-to angel for stepping out of comfort zones, providing guidance, support, and survival skills, while linking with the Tasmanian Devil power animal for added strength and resilience.


I am bravely facing life's challenges


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